Educational Content

Kantamanto / Secondhand Trade

  1. OEC visualizing secondhand clothing material flows
  2. UN Comtrade Database track imports / exports of secondhand clothing around the world
  3. Dead White Man’s Clothes by The Or Foundation, published by Atmos Magazine
  4. Solidarity In The Secondhand Supply Chain The Or Foundation x Fashion Revolution hosted a panel discussion with representation from across the supply chain
  5. Fibershed 2021 Symposium A Discussion between Abena Cynthia Agyeibia of Kantamanto Market & Santa Puac of the Garment Worker Center
  6. Waste Makes Visible Our Separation from Nature A Waste Landscape Report by The Or Foundation, published as part of our work on the Design for Decomposition project with The Biomimicry Institute
  7. Vintage or Violence a podcast and platform exploring the impact of secondhand clothing in receiving communities with a focus on Uganda

Waste Colonialism

  1. Stop Waste Colonialism a collection of resources and campaigns by The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)
  2. Pollution Is Colonialism a book by Max Liboiron
  3. Discard Studies - a platform that encourages a more expansive understanding of “waste” including articles on the different ways that Waste Colonialism behaves
  4. Economic Diplomacy, Global Waste Trade: The African Perspective since the 20th Century by Dominic A. Akpan and Bassey Inyang
  5. Anti-Colonial Methodologies a course on SlowFactory Open Edu Platform, taught by Max Liboiron

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

  1. EU Strategy for sustainable and circular textiles
  2. World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
  3. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  4. The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)
  5. Product Stewardship Institute (PSI)
  6. International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)